Drain Unblocking: information about the process of unblocking drains

Drain unblocking is an essential task for maintaining the proper functioning of any drainage system. Whether it’s a blocked sink, shower, or toilet, a clogged drain can cause a lot of inconvenience and even lead to serious damage if left untreated. In this article, we will discuss the process of unblocking drains, including common causes of blockages and the methods used to remove them.

Common causes of drain blockages

One of the most common causes of drain blockages is the accumulation of hair and soap scum in sinks and showers. These materials can become trapped in the drain’s trap and gradually build up over time, eventually blocking the flow of water. In toilets, blockages are often caused by flushing non-biodegradable materials such as wipes, sanitary products, and even too much toilet paper.

Another common cause of blockages is the growth of tree roots. Trees and plants naturally seek out sources of moisture, and if there is a crack or break in a pipe, roots will grow into the pipe in search of water. Over time, these roots can cause blockages and even damage the pipe itself.

Finally, blockages can also be caused by the buildup of grease, oil, and food particles in kitchen sinks. These materials can stick to the inside of the pipes and gradually build up over time, eventually blocking the flow of water.

Methods of unblocking drains

There are several methods that can be used to unblock drains, including:

  1. Plunging: Plunging is one of the simplest and most effective methods of unblocking a drain. A plunger creates a strong suction that can dislodge blockages and clear the pipe.
  2. Snaking: A plumbing snake is a long, flexible cable that is inserted into the pipe to break up or remove blockages. The snake is turned by a handle, which pushes the blockage through the pipe.
  3. Hydro jetting: Hydro jetting is a powerful method of unblocking drains that uses high-pressure water jets to blast away blockages and clean the inside of the pipes.
  4. Chemical drain cleaners: These products contain chemicals that can break down blockages and clear the pipes. However, it’s important to use these products with caution, as they can be harmful to the pipes and the environment.
  5. CCTV Drain Surveys: This method uses a small camera that is inserted into the pipe to inspect the inside of the pipes, it can help to identify the location of the blockage and the cause of the blockage.

Preventing future blockages

To prevent future blockages, it is important to practice good drain maintenance. This includes regularly cleaning sinks, showers, and toilets and disposing of waste properly. Additionally, it is important to avoid flushing non-biodegradable materials down the toilet and to use grease-fighting detergents in the kitchen.

Regular maintenance can also help to prevent blockages caused by tree roots. A professional drainage company can use CCTV drain surveys to inspect the pipes and identify any potential problems before they become serious blockages.

In conclusion, drain unblocking is an important task for maintaining the proper functioning of any drainage system. By understanding common causes of blockages and the methods used to remove them, you can take steps to prevent future blockages and keep your drains flowing smoothly. If you are experiencing a blocked drain or have any concerns about your drainage system, don’t hesitate to contact a professional drainage company for help.